Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)

Location: Kemensah, Selangor Date: 12.11.2011

Arctic Warblers are as large as Wood Warblers but much duller, lacking in yellow tones. The neat pale wing-bar is a feature shared only by the Greenish Warbler which is smaller and has a finer bill. At close range look for the mottled cheeks and pale legs of an Arctic Warbler and see how the pale supercilium is long and often bent at the rear but fails to reach the bill at the front.


Breeds in areas of mature birch, especially in wooded gullies but also by lakes.


Migratory, wintering in south-east Asia.


  1. congrats on the newly established blog..well done...

  2. Welcome Tank. Thanks for your guide and support.
